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About this event
The first century and metric century of
the New Year is on for 2025!
button to register is at the bottom!
The date
is February
Join in on the first century and metric century
of the new year!
The routes begin at Desert Mountain Park in Queen Creek, AZ. The century route begins in the
spectacular San Tan Mountains to the south. The century and metric routes ride through the
beautiful Usery Mountain Regional Park to the northeast end of the valley. The 34-mile route
rides through a shortened version of the metric route. A hot meal at the end is included in your
registration! Our SAG stops offer
water, fruit, snacks, and more!
Click on the links to preview the route with
elevation and grade information. Maps by RideWithGPS.
Members - $70 (This price extends to
GABA, Bullshifters, & Sun City Cycling members)
Non-Members - $75
- No refunds are available
- Rates go up by $15 beginning January
20. Register by January 19 for the early bird
- Check payments must be received by January 19 to receive early-bird
Day-Of Registration - $85 (member) or $90 (non-member)
- All route tickets provide a hot meal at
the finish. Our SAG stops offer water, fruit, snacks, and more!
- Click on the links below to preview the route with elevation and grade information. Maps by
- No refunds are
- If you would like to
register as a member, you must login to your account
- Online Registration ends on
February 12, 2025 - Day-of Registration is available
- If you'd like to pay online via
Square rather than Stripe, choose the 'Pay Later' button on the payment page. The link
to pay via Square can be found in the confirmation email you receive upon registration.
It must be paid within 30 minutes or
you will need to re-register.
- Checks must be received by January 19 in
order to receive the early bird rate so plan accordingly.
- Paper cue sheets containing rest stop
open/close times will be provided on event day.
- You must time your ride accordingly.
- Routes are subject to change dependent on unforeseen closures.
Please bring enough spare tubes for your ride. There will be SAG
vehicles on all routes.
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Registration is 7:30 am for Century Riders
Century Riders start riding by 8:00 am
Registration is 8:00 am for all OTHER Riders
Other riders start riding by 8:30 am
No mass start - this is not a race!
- Helmets are required ~ Headphones are not
allowed ~ Aerobars are discouraged while riding with others
- No refunds are available
- Join the Phoenix Metro Bicycle Club for
$35/$50 for yearly individual/family membership and save $5 on registration! Member Signup /
- Sign up by January 19,
2025 for the $15 early bird discount!!
- Day-of Registration is available
- All participants must ride in accordance with
all Arizona laws applicable to cyclists.
- There are bike lanes along these routes.
Please use them unless they are obstructed.
- Ride in small groups or pace lines so faster
traffic can pass with at least three feet of clearance. Take the lane if bike lanes
are not available and the lane is not wide enough for motor vehicles to pass with at
least three feet of clearance.
- Approach intersections in the rightmost lane
that takes you where you want to go on the other side of the intersection. Signal your
intentions to your fellow riders before slowing, stopping, turning, or changing
Part of
your route is on off-road trails
- Wheels yield to
- Bikers yield to
walkers/runners and horses
- Walkers/runners yield
to horses
- Stay to the right on
- Pass on the left
- Do not disturb
- Do not
- No motors on the trail
(ATVs, golf carts, electric scooters)
Please say thank you to our partners by being their
best customers!
Supported Major Event - Registration Req'd
Registration Info
Registration is required
Payment In Full At Event Only
Cancellation Policy:
Event fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable.